Some cosmetic procedures can also improve tooth function, giving you a healthier mouth. Although no two people will have the same smile makeover, there are some standard procedures that you can expect to receive.


If you want to straighten your teeth but don’t want the hassle of traditional metal braces, you can use clear aligners like Invisalign. This is a popular alternative to conventional brackets and wires and is much less invasive. Clear plastic aligner trays can close spaces, straighten teeth, and correct crowding and bite problems.

Invisalign uses 3D images to create a series of customized clear trays that must be worn 22 hours a day. You wear each set of trays for one to two weeks before moving to the next set. These trays gradually move your teeth until they’ve reached the desired position.

Unlike wires and brackets bonded to your teeth, you can remove clear aligners to eat, drink, and brush your teeth.


When patients are concerned about finances, tooth bonding is more cost-effective than porcelain veneers. This procedure uses a special light to bond tooth-colored composite materials to your tooth. Unlike veneers, you get instant results that repair cracked or chipped teeth, gaps, and discoloration.

Bonding procedures require one visit to a Hoboken dental office and are one of the most straightforward dental treatments available. However, dental bonding requires more replacements and isn’t as stain resistant as other cosmetic dental treatments.


One of the most popular smile makeover treatments is teeth whitening. It is affordable, less invasive than other treatments, and does not require removing healthy tooth structures to alter the color of your teeth.

You can purchase over-the-counter whitening products in most pharmacies, but they are significantly less effective than the gel used in a dental office. Professional treatments use safe products containing higher amounts of hydrogen peroxide and blue-light technology to deliver results.

Crowns and Bridges

A tooth with extensive decay, large fillings, or significant wear is always at risk of breaking. A dental crown hides the unsightly tooth by permanently replacing it with a natural-looking covering.

Dental crowns will improve your tooth’s appearance and function by placing a custom-made protective covering over it. The shape, size, and strength of your tooth will be restored. A bridge is similar but replaces a missing tooth or teeth by attaching a fake tooth between two crowns.

These restorations are permanently cemented or bonded onto the remaining tooth structure, creating a durable bond lasting many years.

Dental Implants

When replacing your missing teeth in Weehawken, Hoboken or Edgewater, a dental implant is one of the most functional and aesthetic options. Whether you are a candidate for dental implants depends on your overall health and any oral health conditions.

Your dentist surgically places a titanium post into your jawbone at the location of the missing tooth. The metal post must osseointegrate with the surrounding bone, which could take several months. Once complete, your dentist attaches a crown to the implant through an abutment. Your new tooth will feel and function like your natural teeth.

Dental implants are permanent and can replace one or more teeth. They are designed to provide you with aesthetics and function for many years.

Attain the Smile You’ve Always Wanted with the Team at Skyline Dental Designs

If you are looking for a smile makeover dentist near West New York, look no further than the Skyline Dental Designs team. We have experienced dental professionals that believe in honesty and transparency.

Philip Kaplan, DDS, treats his patients like he would want to be treated — with kindness and respect. His charisma, passion, and energy drive him to deliver high-quality results, regardless of what treatment he is providing. Dr. Kaplan is pleased to provide care for dental patients in Weehawken, Hoboken, Bulls Ferry, Edgewater and surrounding communities.

Contact Skyline Dental Designs today to schedule your free consultation!