Your treatment begins with a consultation so your dentist can learn your goals. Regardless of what treatment your Bulls Ferry dentist recommends, it’s always best to know what you want before coming into the office. Your preparedness and honesty will help your dentist create the optimal treatment plan for you.

How Should I Prepare for My Treatments?

You can prepare by determining what flaws you want to correct. Some people like the slight space between their front teeth and want it to stay a permanent fixture of their smile. Knowing what shape, size, or color you want your teeth to be will help your dentist design your treatment.

Understand that some cosmetic treatments, such as dental implants, do not happen in a single visit. This restoration requires several appointments that could extend beyond a year, depending on your oral health conditions.

How Long Will Each Treatment Take?

Every patient presents with a unique situation, so you cannot get an accurate time estimate until your initial consultation. The length of your smile makeover will depend on the combination of procedures involved. Your finances play a vital role in determining how many procedures will be included in your smile makeover and will impact the duration of your treatment.

Crowns, bridges, implants, and orthodontic treatments in Hoboken require more than one appointment, with some lasting an hour or more. Dental bonding and fillings are generally shorter procedures that can be completed in a single trip to the office.

What Should I Expect During Recovery?

There are no standard post-operative instructions for a smile makeover. However, after each appointment, your dentist will review how to care for your mouth.

Throughout treatment, you may experience the following side effects:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Slight bleeding

But these should subside within a few days.

Are There Any Follow-Up Procedures I’ll Need to Schedule?

After your Edgewater dentist completes your smile makeover, you’ll want to follow up with any procedures they recommend. However, minimally invasive smile makeovers do not require follow-up appointments, except for teeth whitening. Over time, your teeth may become discolored again, but a touch-up from your dentist will brighten them again.

You’ll also want to attend your routine checkups and practice good oral hygiene habits at home, including brushing twice and flossing once daily. Use non-abrasive toothpaste to prevent your restorations from getting scratched.

How Can I Make My Smile Makeover Results Last as Long as Possible?

Aside from routine dental care from a dentist in West New York, there is another way you can ensure your smile makeover results last. Protecting your investment is crucial to keeping your mouth feeling and looking incredible. Many dental restorations are durable, but they are not completely unbreakable.

You can prevent your new smile from becoming damaged by asking your dentist about protective appliances. Patients who grind their teeth may benefit from wearing a nightguard. When you are physically active, wear a mouthguard.

Chewing on hard candy, ice, or pen caps puts your teeth at risk of chipping and breaking. These actions can also put your restorations in jeopardy, potentially causing damage that could disrupt your flawless smile.

An Experienced Team Committed to Your Care and Comfort

Dr. Philip Kaplan, DDS at Skyline Dental Designs in Weehawken, NJ, brings his charisma, passion, and energy to his practice every day. He listens to your concerns before designing your new smile. and runs his practice with transparency.

You’ll always know the pros and cons of treatment before proceeding. He treats his patients like he would want to be treated — with kindness.

Contact Skyline Dental Designs today to schedule your consultation.